Conférence internationale sur le développement des arts locaux /International Conference on the Development of Local Arts

Par Ijamact

l’Université Normale du Zhejiang (Chine) en partenariat avec l’Université de DSCHANG co-organisent une Conférence internationale sur le développement des arts locaux et la promotion des échanges culturels entre la Chine et le Cameroun / the Zhejiang Normal University (China) in partnership with the University of DSCHANG are co-organizing an International Conference on the Development of Local Arts and the Promotion of Cultural Exchanges between China and Cameroon

Necessity of Restructuring the China-Africa Education Cooperation to Leverage the Fastest-Growing Economic Ties

Par Ijamact

ABSTRACT: This article put forward the urgent need of restructuring the actual patterns of China-Africa Education Cooperation so as to balance and sustain the fastest-growing economic cooperation between China and African Countries. In fact, “Business” but not “Education” remains the top driver of the overall China-Africa Cooperation, a pattern that put African countries at disadvantaged…

Kungfu Movies As Driver of China-Africa Cultural Exchanges: Case Study of Cameroon

Par Ijamact

ABSTRACT: This article put forward the interest of African youth for Kungfu Movies, highlights the driver’s role and the cross-cultural communicative competences of Kungfu Movies in strengthening the cultural exchanges and boosting the China-Africa Movie Cooperation. The content of this paper relies on the author’s previous research and surveys conducted on 197 Cameroonian residents and…

An Anthropology of The African Martial Arts’ Body Techniques

Par Ijamact

ABSTRACT: The French anthropologist Marcel MAUS had defined the concept of “Body Techniques” as the ways in which from society-to-society people know how to use their bodies.  It involves cultures and traditions developed by Man in relation with its social environment. Martial arts as an indispensable part of human culture, embody the way people understand…

Difference Between African Martial Arts and Chinese Wushu

Par Ijamact

ABSTRACT: China and Africa have become culturally closer as the relationship between both sides is growing in leaps and bounds. The martial arts culture can provide a new outlook to deepen the China-Africa cultural understanding as well as open a window to other cultures to better connect with Chinese and African people. In this regard,…